
Fancy working for ZDNet UK?

If you do, that's splendid - because we're hiring.We're looking for a reporter for our newsdesk.
Written by Rupert Goodwins, Contributor

If you do, that's splendid - because we're hiring.

We're looking for a reporter for our newsdesk. Someone who knows about business IT and isn't afraid to roll up their sleeves and get stuck into the nitty-gritty. Ideally, you'll have tendencies towards storage, databases, cloud and big iron, but it's more important that you're unfazed by business technology and have a solid grasp of news journalism.

Other good things: online experience, an eye for detail, at home with social networking, and the flexibility to go from online research to interviewing senior executives in the flesh without breaking stride. There'll probably be some foreign travel.

Normal office hours, central London offices, and we're a great place to work and a grand team to work with. We can't offer Google levels of corporate benevolence, but there's lots of free coffee, some free fruit and, once a month, free beer.

The full job description is here, and if you have any questions drop me a line at rupert.goodwins@zdnet.co.uk and Karen Friar, news ed, at karen.friar@zdnet.co.uk

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