
FedEx speeds things up

CIO Linda Brigance shares the challenges of handling more than 6 million shipments globally every day.
Written by Isabelle Chan, Contributor
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Linda Brigance, vice president, Chief Information Office, Asia Pacific, FedEx, says wireless technologies will help raise sevice levels

Q. What are FedEx's IT priorities over the next 12 months?
Brigance: IT is a critical competitive component of FedEx's business strategy. Currently, FedEx invests US$1 billion on IT annually to keep their systems updated and running reliably. Looking ahead, our focus will be to continue to execute our global wireless strategy and commitment to cutting-edge technology, to facilitate the success of our customers' businesses and increase customer competitiveness.

What are some of the key IT projects that are being trialed or implemented?
FedEx will continue to roll out service enhancements in wireless and automated applications such as the FedEx PowerPads, a handheld device that incorporates Bluetooth technology. These devices revolutionalize service levels by facilitating faster pick-ups and delivering near real-time information to both customers and employees.

"Technology innovation is the foundation of our business."

Q. What will be FedEx's biggest challenge and how do you plan to overcome it?
Every second of each day, FedEx handles 3,000 transactions, as well as 1,000 enquiries on the status of packages. Every day, FedEx handles more than 6 million shipments around the world.

In our trade, speed is the most crucial element. Access to real-time information, as well as reliable and express transportation, is what we promise our customers. Therefore, our challenge lies in creating the best experience for our customers, and we are constantly exploring different ways and means to achieve that.

In fact, technology innovation is the foundation of our business as FedEx continues to expand its market presence globally. For example, we are constantly adding and enhancing new features on our Web site to help them streamline their businesses, or offering them comprehensive electronic tools and online interfaces to integrate into their processes to shorten response time, reduce inventory costs, generate better returns, and simplify shipping.

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