
Feeling hosed about iPhone's markdown? Well, get up, stand up for your rights!

(Channeling Bob Marley...)Feeling hosed because you paid $599 for an iPhone that now costs $399 as of today?
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

(Channeling Bob Marley...)

Feeling hosed because you paid $599 for an iPhone that now costs $399 as of today?

Well, maybe there is a way you can obtain ju$tice.

As Om points out, the Apple Returns policy for the iPhone indicates that if you bought an iPhone from the Apple Store within the last 14 days, you're probably entitled to a refund in the amount of the differential between the $599 and $399.

That'd be $200.

Let's see, counting back 14 days would be back as far as August 22.

Not sure how fast that refund check will wind up in your hands, though.

Refunds, rebates, chargebacks never seem to be processed as fast as payments and charges now do they?

But.. don't give up the fight!

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