
For Vonage, April 24 could be "terrible Tuesday"

That's two weeks from today if you are counting (or even if you are not).April 24 will be when a U.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

That's two weeks from today if you are counting (or even if you are not).

April 24 will be when a U.S. federal appeals court will hear oral arguments on Vonage's request for a stay while it appeals a finding it infringed Verizon's patents.

Last Friday, a lower court said it would bar Vonage from adding new customers while it appeals its case, but the appeals court issued an emergency stay letting Vonage continue to sign up new accounts pending a hearing.

Verizon gets its way (it ought not to because as I explained here, hereand here)- and the "new customers" ruling is vacated right after the hearing, Vonage and its investors won't have Good Friday and the accompanying Easter weekend to assess and then be palliated by Vonage's usual happy talk and spin.

In other words, April 24 could be terrible Tuesday.

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