
Forget passwords, try finger veins

 Sony is developing a technology that would use the veins in your finger to authenticate you.In a statement, Sony announced its technology, dubbed mofiria.
Written by Larry Dignan, Contributor


Sony is developing a technology that would use the veins in your finger to authenticate you.

In a statement, Sony announced its technology, dubbed mofiria. The technology is supposed to be highly accurate and allow users to check in to their PC or mobile device. 

Yes, Sony is talking about another biometric system--not that you use the ones today--but finger vein patterns could be more secure since no person has the same pattern. And given that we're increasingly using our finger as a navigation device--see iPhone, G1, BlackBerry Storm--this technology may garner user adoption.

Also see: Why the password system hasn’t died (yet)

Here's the diagram:

In a nutshell, the sensor takes the image, cooks up the layout of your finger, compresses the data so it can reside on a mobile device and an algorithm authenticates you. Sony said it will aim to embed this technology in mobile devices and security systems in fiscal 2009.

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