
Forrester: More big companies starting to walk their green tech talk

Have a whole slew of green IT data for you this week, as I clean out my e-mail after a week of R&R down in Cozumel, Mexico. First up is a Forrester report that actually I picked up before I left ("More Green Progress in Enterprise IT") but didn't have time to digest before running away from my computer and cell phone for more than 10 days.
Written by Heather Clancy, Contributor

Have a whole slew of green IT data for you this week, as I clean out my e-mail after a week of R&R down in Cozumel, Mexico. First up is a Forrester report that actually I picked up before I left ("More Green Progress in Enterprise IT") but didn't have time to digest before running away from my computer and cell phone for more than 10 days. Honest and truly, I boycotted access, which I highly recommend -- at least until you are punished upon your return.

So, the green analysts at Forrester report a continued increase in the IT department's concern over environment criteria, including energy efficiency and equipment recycling options. Approximately 41 percent of the 738 IT folks surveyed in April 2008 considered these factors "very important," compared with 35 percent in October. Strangely, the number of percentage of respondents who cited environmental concerns as "not important" also rose slightly to 9 percent from 6 percent during the same time frame.

I think it's significant, though, that there WAS a BIG jump in the number of people responding to Forrester's request for information. Less than 150 firms provided their input last year, when Forrester conducted two similar surveys.

Another encouraging stat: Approximately 45 percent of the surveyed enterprise companies were in the process of either creating or implementing a green IT plan and another 36 percent were considering one. About a fifth of the respondents are holding out, which is about the same as when the survey was conducted last October. High-tech companies, utilities and other businesses from the public sector were ahead of the curve when it came to taking action, Forrester reports. What's more, approximately 4 in 5 companies have already adopted IT equipment recycling programs (which isn't really surprising when you consider all the virtualization and server consolidation work that has been going on).

What are the top three motivators for embracing green IT?

1. Reduce energy-related operating expenses (65 percent) 2. Do the right thing for the environment (41 percent) 3. Align IT with a corporate green initiative (33 percent)

Compare and contrast with your own priorities. Any surprises?

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