
France Telecom/Orange executive confirms Apple tablet (updated 2x)

Orange executive Stéphane Richard this morning outted the unannounced Apple tablet on the air, stating the it will debut in the "next couple of days."
Written by Jason D. O'Grady, Contributor


Although it's pretty much a forgone conclusion that Apple will announce its super-secret tablet later this month, France Télécom / Orange executive Stéphane Richard this morning outted the device on the air, stating the the Apple tablet will debut in the "next couple of days." TechCrunch reports:

Richard, number two at the telecommunication services giant, told French journalist Jean-Pierre Elkabbach that the tablet would soon make its entry into the market, and that it will be equipped with a webcam (gasp!).

While 16 days is a lot more than a "couple," he's probably telling the truth. How long before Apple and his boss convince him to put out a retraction? "What I meant to say was it thing it would be nice if Apple released a tablet in the next couple of days." Maybe something got lost in the a translation from French?

If you speak French, check out the video of the interview at TechCrunch and post your take in the TalkBack.

Update 1: English translation by Alexandre Nguyen Duong:

[Speaking about the tablet]. They [french customers] will easily take advantage of it, especially with the webcam, they will be able to communicate in real time. We are going to modernize this visiophone we all knew few years ago. Again, the size and the quality of our network will allow french people to use those new services everywhere.

Update 2: Not surprisingly, Orange tells paidContent:UK: “A few comments taken out of context, then interpreted into English.”

Monsieur Richard, there's a Steve Jobs on the phone for you. He says that it's important...

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