
Free PDF: The new SMB stack

What do small business leaders need to know about building their IT stack? Find out by downloading the free PDF ebook version of a special report from ZDNet and TechRepublic.
Written by Melanie Wachsman, Editor

Make no mistake: How small- to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) choose their businesses' technology stack during these uncertain times will be a challenge. 

There are many questions to ask and decisions to make (What tools do SMBs need for success? Which vendor should they partner with? What Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) features and apps should they deploy? And so on).

How SMBs can build their technology stack in a way that promotes innovation and enables growth is the focus of the ZDNet and TechRepublic PDF ebook: The new SMB stack

Here's a look at what's in this free PDF ebook:

The coronavirus pandemic is testing SMBs as never before, exposing any weaknesses in their tech setups. But with the right plans in place, SMBs will have a better chance of pulling through. ZDNet's Charles McLellan details how in his feature "Outsourcing and everything as a service: Business tech priorities for 2020."

For many, working from home has gone from being a dream to a reality. But to stop that from turning into a nightmare, teams will need tools to help them collaborate and stay productive while remotely working. ZDNet contributor Adrian Kingsley-Hughes provides advice in his feature "The best online collaboration tools in 2020: How remote teams stay productive."

Companies like Atlassian, Okta, Tableau, and Intermedia are extending free versions of their offerings to organizations to help them stay afloat during the global pandemic. Read more about it in ZDNet's Stephanie Condon's feature "Free tools and services for businesses during the COVID-19 crisis."

SEE: The new SMB stack (free PDF) (TechRepublic)

TechRepublic's Macy Bayern explains why having a remote workforce may be an advantage for SMBs in her article "Top telecommuting benefits for small businesses."

Which video conferencing platform is right for your business? ZDNet contributor Ed Bott gathered details about 10 leading services, all capable of providing high-quality video with collaboration tools. Read more about it in his article "Best video conferencing software for business: Microsoft Teams plus eight more Zoom alternatives."

Security continues to be a top priority for SMBs. TechRepublic contributor, Jonathan Greig, details what SMBS need to do to remain secure in his article "7 cybersecurity tips for small businesses especially those with remote workers."

The only way to maintain unique, hard-to-guess credentials for every secure site you and your team access daily is by using a password manager. ZDNet contributor Ed Bott researches the best options in his article "Best password managers for business in 2020: 1Password, Keeper, LastPass, and more."

This ebook is chock full of stack-building recommendations. ZDNet's Natalie Gagliordi takes a look at 10 point-of-sales systems in her article "Best POS systems in 2020: Get the right one for your business." ZDNet contributor Charlie Osborne focuses on the best routers to buy in her article "Best routers on Amazon Business in 2020: Netgear, D-Link, Asus, Linksys, and more." 

In the feature "How to choose the right PC: Everything you need to know about picking the right computer for work," ZDNet's Charles McLellan shares some pointers on how to match products to small-business needs.

SEE: The new SMB stack (free PDF) (TechRepublic)

ZDNet contributor David Gewirtz investigates a wide variety of printers that meet a range of business needs in his articles "Best inkjet printers for business in 2020: Epson, HP, Brother, and more" and "Best 3D printers in 2020: Find the right printer for your business needs."

TechRepublic's Veronica Combs discusses how companies can leverage artificial intelligence in their stack in her piece "3 ways SMBs use machine learning to power digital transformation."

Also, in this ebook, online wine merchant The Wine Collective is on a mission to reform the way the wine industry sells to consumers. ZDNet's Aimee Chanthadavong investigates in the feature "The Wine Collective's mission to personalise customers' online purchasing process."

To read all these articles, plus details on original research from TechRepublic Premium, download the free PDF ebook:The new SMB stack.

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