
FTC explores health care privacy. Diagnosis: Not in remission

The FTC held a privacy discussion that explores health industry privacy issues. Key issues discussed: Patient Privacy, Consent, Medical Record use, data mining, Health Care Reform, information sharing.
Written by Doug Hanchard, Contributor

The FTC is holding a series of information-sharing sessions concerning health industry privacy issues. The commission is investigating how current policies affect its accountability to the public and medical professionals. There are unanswered questions and concerns that impact several industry spaces, including health information record management, data collection policies, processes, patient rights and future HIPPA regulations.

FTC Commissioner Pamela Jones Harbour invited 29 panelists from the technology industry, and academia, and privacy advocates to  engage in direct and blunt discussion on how protection of information is at risk. The discussion didn't miss many points or issues that concern patient rights. The FTC moderators got an earful on current trends, regulations (and lack of), exploitation concerns during the round table discussions. Medical information management is a key issue, requiring updated guidelines and regulations that impact President Obama's Health Care reform plan. An example is how information is collected and used and then correlated in the insurance industry classifying patients with pre-existing conditions and tracking patients.

The panel covers how privacy concerns impact several topics including medical research (medical studies), marketing of drugs, and insurance data records and how existing 'consent' is understood.

The video is not short, in fact it will consume you and borders on information overload. Nonetheless, well worth watching. The issues tabled and debated highlight how medicine will be practiced across the United States in the future.

FTC Health Care - Exploring Privacy Round table

Additional Resources;

HHS - Health Information Privacy

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