
FTC Settles with scamming anti-spyware purveyors

The two kids that the FTC have gone after for jumping on the anti-spyware bandwagon and using fraudulent practises have to pay some hefty fines. See the news here.
Written by Richard Stiennon, Contributor

The two kids that the FTC have gone after for jumping on the anti-spyware bandwagon and using fraudulent practises have to pay some hefty fines. See the news here. Thomas Delanoy has to cough up $76,000 and is barred from selling Spyware Assassin. Danilo Ladendorf has to pay $1.9 million but will be allowed to conutinue to sell SpyKiller. Presumably he will not cause those op-ups that fraudulently claim a user's PC is infected.

I just have one question. Were these two allowed to keep their Cadillac Escalades?


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