
Funniest Google ad ever

I was surfing the web tonight and stumbled upon an article that mentioned a certain Silicon Valley executive. The site was running one of those 'Ads by Google' strips on the side which looks at words in the text to pick what ads to show. For this article, it came up with a real gem.
Written by Ed Burnette, Contributor

I was surfing the web tonight looking for interesting news, and found an article that mentioned a certain Silicon Valley executive. The site was running one of those 'Ads by Google' strips on the side which looks at words in the text to pick what ads to show. For this article it came up with the following little gem:

So are we trying to find Mr. Jobs himself, or perhaps start a new career in "Steve"-ness, whatever that is? Or is this a message to Steve, in case that options thing turns out badly?

Do you have a favorite AdSense non-sequitur you want to share? Extra credit for anyone who can identify the article I was reading from the picture.

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