
GDrive to be included in Google Apps?

Tony Ruscoe was playing with the URL while logged into a Google Apps account, and he discovered something very interesting. It turns out that "www10" is something like a codename for "Platypus" which is the codename for GDrive.
Written by Garett Rogers, Inactive

Tony Ruscoe was playing with the URL while logged into a Google Apps account, and he discovered something very interesting. It turns out that "www10" is something like a codename for "Platypus" which is the codename for GDrive. By modifying the "Disable Service" URL in Google Apps to include "www10", he was presented with a telling screen:


This screen pretty much verifies that GDrive is definitely not a rumor, and we may even see it released as part of Google Apps in the future. To see it for yourself, you can use the following URL (replacing example.com with your own Google Apps domain):


Tony Explains the history of "www10" and what he thinks it could mean:

In May this year, after being redirected from www10.google.com and prompted to sign in to a service called WWW10, I asked on my blog, “What is Google WWW10?” Upon further inspection, visiting www10.google.com tries to set the following cookie in the 302 response header:

PlatypusData=EXPIRED;Path=/;Expires=Mon, 01-Jan-1990 00:00:00 GMT

So what does this mean exactly? I guess it means that the mysterious WWW10 service is likely to be GDrive or Platypus and that it’s possibly going to be available to Google Apps users. Of course, we shouldn’t forget that Google uses Google Apps themselves, so it’s also possible that GDrive is only enabled for the google.com Google Apps account and is only meant to be used internally.

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