
Gelsinger out in Intel reshuffle

No official confirmation yet, but it's being widely reported that Intel has had a major reshuffle of its top-level executives.
Written by Rupert Goodwins, Contributor

No official confirmation yet, but it's being widely reported that Intel has had a major reshuffle of its top-level executives. Pat Gelsinger, a thirty year veteran, one-time CTO and currently in charge of the enterprise division, is said to be going to storage and virtualisation company EMC; Dadi Perlmutter, who led Intel Israel and has a good claim to have saved the company with his focus on low-power computing, will be in charge of engineering across the chip divisons, while sales chief Sean Maloney gets put in overall charge of silicon.

More as we get it - and no prizes for guessing what the big topic will be at the Intel Developer Forum next week.

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