
Geo-engineering: further discussion

Here's one Euro-mag that contrasts the "quick fix" approach of geo-engineering vs. humans actually changing our heavy use of fossil fuels.
Written by Harry Fuller, Contributor

Here's one Euro-mag that contrasts the "quick fix" approach of geo-engineering vs. humans actually changing our heavy use of fossil fuels. Think of this approach as: "I won't stop drinking so where's the hangover cure?" Here's one report that sees the Royal Society report I blogged as...a call for more spending and more jobs! Let's get out there and test CO2 reduction plans and radiation reflection, i.e. bouncing that sunlight back at the sun. And, predictably, Ruper Murdoch's news service managed to get "disaster" into its geo-engineering headline. Meanwhile, more modest political efforts to curb greenhouse gases continue to struggle in the world of realpolitik. Down under the Aussie's have defeated an attempt to curb their own CO2 emissions. Here in th4 U.S. it is unclear what future there is for the energy bill now somewhere on thre Senate agenda. If healthcare reform does not pass in some form, look for energy bill to be postponed for some time, not passing before the big international conference on climate in Copehagen this December. [poll id="172"]

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