
GitHub picks Sydney sysadmins

Git-based online hosted service, GitHub, has chosen Sydney company Anchor to implement and manage its infrastructure.
Written by Chris Duckett, Contributor

in brief Git-based online hosted service, GitHub, has chosen Sydney company Anchor to implement and manage its infrastructure.

Anchor has been contracted to remotely install, monitor and manage the GitHub's operating systems and server software. The Sydney company will behave as remote system administrators since GitHub's hardware is to remain in the US. Git is a software solution for managing versions and revisions of code databases, initially developed by Linux founder Linus Torvalds for the operating system's kernel project.

"It's very cool that we can do this from down under; we're doing some seriously fancy technical stuff for these guys to make this work, and implementing it entirely with open source software," Anchor's managing director, Andrew Rogers, said in a statement.

A blog post revealed that one of the changes Anchor has made so far is to undo some of GitHub's previous server virtualisation; I/O heavy services, such as file servers and databases have reverted back to running on bare-metal servers.

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