
Global warming: bringing it home

If you believe in global warming, the National Wildlife Federation is aggregating what's known or expected to happen in your state in the U.S.
Written by Harry Fuller, Contributor

If you believe in global warming, the National Wildlife Federation is aggregating what's known or expected to happen in your state in the U.S. Of course, for those who continue to deny global warming or see it as nature's cleansing process, all of this is nonsense. What the earth needs is another good, healthy mass extinction.

Here's the link to NWF's website.

To pick s state at random, here's some of what's in store for Kansas, according to NWF: hotter weather brings more prairie fires, dries up wetlands and drives numerous species out of the state altogether. More tropical diseases and more respiratory diseases due to increased air pollution.

Maybe they should build those coal-burning plants right away while most Kansans are healthy enough to enjoy the air conditioning.

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