
Global warming: new stuff

IS IT TOO LATE?A new projection of global warming effects from an American climate lab: we could head off manh of the severe effects...
Written by Harry Fuller, Contributor


A new projection of global warming effects from an American climate lab: we could head off manh of the severe effects...if.... That is, if we reverse the greenhouse emissions.

There is hope, the study says. The catch: we would need global cut of greenhouse gas of 70%.


Like Wall Street bankers, carbon dioxide finds itself facing some serious new regulations.

Sure, it's an air pollution issue, right? Nope, the regulation may come under the Clean Water Act. CO2 turns the ocean water more acidic. And that may push the EPA into regulating man-caused CO2 emissions in the U.S.

Here's recent data from Europe showing that CO2 dissolved in the ocean is decreasing the fish population in the northern Atlantic.

Meanwhile, this crappy economy is slowing the growth of CO2 emissions. Less money spent means less energy needed and that reduces CO2 exhaust--fewer trucks, few plane trips, fewer cars on the road, generally less energy use.

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