
Global warming? "Time to chill out" and the debate ensues

A Danish academic has started an online barrage of comments that summarize the polarized (nice pun) opinions on disappearing polar caps and global warming. His commentary summarizes the situation thusly: "We must accept that climate change is real and that we've helped cause it.
Written by Harry Fuller, Contributor

A Danish academic has started an online barrage of comments that summarize the polarized (nice pun) opinions on disappearing polar caps and global warming. His commentary summarizes the situation thusly: "We must accept that climate change is real and that we've helped cause it. There is no hoax. But neither is there a looming apocalypse."

Now there's a moderate approach guaranteed to get you attacked from both sides. The Apocalypse Now crowd, and the Get Off My Cloud crowd. There were nearly 200 comments onthe website of the "Washington Post" where this commentary appeared. The author, BTW, does think steps need to be taken, that new technologies allowing cheaper energy production need to be developed. He just doesn't see the fearsome disasters being prognosticated by some.

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