
Global wind day

As the planet warms and we attempt to harness more energy from sources other fossil fuel, there's some caution needed. Climate change is also diminishing the wind supply in some parts of America.
Written by Harry Fuller, Contributor

As the planet warms and we attempt to harness more energy from sources other fossil fuel, there's some caution needed. Climate change is also diminishing the wind supply in some parts of America. Iowa State's Gene Tackle is co-author of study that shows declining winds in parts of the U.S. Midwest. Days on end of still air. Meanwhile the American Wind Energy Association remains optmistic, seeing the US as the Saudi Arabia of wind. Lots of flat land with windy climate. Chicago. North Dakota. San Francisco. American promoters of this global wind day are pushing the U.S. to not let China dominate all the jobs in this growing sector.

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