
Gmail: It's the little things

m always curious when I see some red text at the top of the Gmail screen. This morning when I signed in to check mail, Gmail announced "Five new features!". Nothing earth-shaking. Certainly not as interesting as the e-mail/IM blur coming from Yahoo! that I wrote about yesterday. But all of these features, especially the forward all command, will come in handy.
Written by Marc Orchant, Contributor

I'm always curious when I see some red text at the top of the Gmail screen. This morning when I signed in to check mail, Gmail announced "Five new features!". In addition to Gmail for mobile phones which was released a few days ago and is, frankly, a mixed bag on my Treo 700p, the new features that appeared today are: 

Reply on top
No more scrolling to the bottom of a long message to find the “Reply” link. Now there's a Reply button right on top, along with a lot of other options under the little dropdown arrow. 

Embarassment-reducing new message notifications
Ever replied to a message only to find out that someone sent a better, smarter reply right before you? Now, if someone sends a reply while you're in the middle of reading a conversation (or replying to it), you'll get a notification that a new message has arrived. Click "update conversation" to see what you’ve missed.

Forward all
When viewing a conversation, use the new “Forward all” link on the right if you want to forward the entire conversation instead of just one message.

Chat even when your friends are offline
Chatting in Gmail just keeps getting better. Now, if you're chatting with a friend who goes offline, your friend will be able to see whatever you were typing the next time he or she goes online.

Nothing earth-shaking. Certainly not as interesting as the e-mail/IM blur coming from Yahoo! that I wrote about yesterday. But all of these features, especially the forward all command, will come in handy.

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