
Google and Twitter together?

Twitter has been gaining serious momentum in the last year, and that is likely why Google is in talks with the company as a potential target of an acquisition. Out of curiosity, I decided to take a quick peek at the company's performance on Google Ad Planner, and here's what we see:When you have a traffic chart that looks like this, there is something wrong if big companies aren't trying to snap you up.
Written by Garett Rogers, Inactive

Twitter has been gaining serious momentum in the last year, and that is likely why Google is in talks with the company as a potential target of an acquisition. Out of curiosity, I decided to take a quick peek at the company's performance on Google Ad Planner, and here's what we see:


When you have a traffic chart that looks like this, there is something wrong if big companies aren't trying to snap you up. According to Google Ad Planner estimates, Twitter currently has 25 million unique visitors per month.

If it's any kind of gauge, Facebook exploded in popularity around the same time local radio stations here started mentioning it on the Radio from time to time, in passing conversation. Just recently, they have started mentioning Twitter on occasion -- it's now becoming a household company name, at least here.

This is the perfect time to acquire Twitter for any company with the money -- it's only going to get more popular. Not only does it look like a good acquisition target on paper, Google could actually use the data users are tweeting about to make their search engine more timely. It's a no-brainer, and I for one hope this rumor is true.

Even if it's not though, a deal between Google and Twitter which would give Google a real-time feed of updates would also make a lot of sense. Indexing tweets as fast as they come in would be a powerful edge that would be almost impossible to match.

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