
Google and Web 2.0: Alive and kicking!

Is Web 2.0 over? I asked last April Fool’s weekend.
Written by Donna Bogatin, Contributor
Is Web 2.0 over? I asked last April Fool’s weekend.

Today, Om Malik declares the end of Web 2.0 innocence, underscoring Google’s MyMaps launch as a tipping point.

Malik: "The Web 2.0 story so far has been about taking APIs, mashups, low cost infrastructure and building applications that are then offered to customers for pretty much free, backed by an ad-supported business model."

WHO is supporting the Web 2.0 advertising business model, though?

Malik says now is a "pragmatic phase" with Google, the API distributor," taking control back; My Maps, case in point, where the company competes with its 'users', he says.

REALLY? Aren’t Web 2.0 “ad-supported businesses” generally GOOGLE ADVERTISING PARTNERS? (see graphic!)

Malik advises “innovators, entrepreneurs and even larger players have to take off the rose-tinted glasses, and worry about web giants’ ability to go from friend-to-foe almost overnight.”

GOOGLE NOT SO FOE, however. Platial and Plazes Web 2.0 mapping sites are not mere “users,” free ones, of Google’s API. They are ALSO Google AdSense network publishing partners proudly displaying (newly branded) “Ads by Goooooogle.”

(see Google blurs line between advertising and content, again)

Malik gets Web 2.0 romantic:

The current situation is no different than the dating process. The first few months of flirtation are full of romance, where all you choose to focus on is your partner’s best qualities. Three months into the relationship, the nose hair, shoe fetishes and other habits come as a bit of rude awakening. We all adjust, if we believe in the relationship. If not, we go looking for a new love.

HOW SO? Is the potential “new loves” connected Web dating pool overflowing with viable partnership choices?

Malik puts forth start-ups “can’t be wide-eyed about anything anymore.”

BUT, should they EVER have been?

Way back in July 2006 I put forth Web 2.0 monetization by Google AdSense, Where is the business model?

In January I underscored Google dependency is risky business.

When Google IS ‘The Internet’ and Google (will be) a monopoly INNOCENCE was NEVER a good option!

ALSO: Google: Any rain on My Maps parade?

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