
Google calls Apple on their lies

In repsonse to Apple's response of the FCC inquiry regarding the rejection of the Google Voice application, Google sent the FCC another letter. The full response was made available today -- in which Google basically called Apple on their lies.
Written by Garett Rogers, Inactive

In repsonse to Apple's response of the FCC inquiry regarding the rejection of the Google Voice application, Google sent the FCC another letter. The full response was made available today -- in which Google basically called Apple on their lies.

Google says that Apple in fact denied the Google Voice application for iPhone -- as opposed to it still being under review as Apple put it. Google made mention of meetings between Google's Alan Eustace ( Senior VP of Engineering & Research), and Apple's Phil Schiller (Senior VP of Worldwide Product Marketing), in which Apple said that it was rejecting the Google Voice application.

Who is telling the truth? To me, it sounds like Google seems to be the most truthful here -- as they mention that some of these discussions happened over email. What do you think?

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