
Google CEO: Don't trust Internet gossip (I agree!)

I am an avid Google watcher and a follower of Dr. Schmidt, in particular; His reported statements at Web 2.0 did not reveal anything new to me. Schmidt’s commentary on Google’s impending purchase of YouTube, however, did strike a chord: Schmidt is not be betting against the Internet, but he is betting against rumors spread via the Internet, and so am I!
Written by Donna Bogatin, Contributor
By all reports, Google CEO Eric Schmidt was on message yesterday at the Web 2.0 conference. In fact, many of Schmidt’s comments were strikingly similar to those he made at the Search Engine Conference Q & A with Danny Sullivan last August, that I had the pleasure of experiencing in-person.

However, given Google’s “blizzard of new product launches, and the partnership strategy which is in full force,” which Schmidt credits as two of the “five things” responsible for the company’s blow-out Q3, Schmidt’s Q & A, under the direction of John “The Search” Battelle, a full quarter later, acknowledged the many milestones Google has achieved since I did the “Google Dance” in San Jose this past summer! 

Google’s vision reiterated by Schmidt yesterday:

Don’t bet against the Internet,
New cloud computing based paradigm,
Respect the rights of end-users… 
Google’s “appended” vision put forth by Schmidt yesterday: 

YouTube acquisition: Video fundamental Internet data type,
Web-based productivity applications: Google Apps, Google Docs & Spreadsheets, JotSpot…

As an avid Google watcher and follower of Dr. Schmidt, in particular, his reported statements did not reveal anything new to me.

Schmidt’s commentary on the "coverage" of Google’s impending purchase of YouTube, however, did strike a chord with me: Schmidt may not be betting against the Internet, but he is betting against gossip spread via the Internet, and so am I! 

Schmidt discounted yesterday the Mark Cuban fueled rumors that I discounted last week in “Citizen journalism by email ‘gossip’: Fourth estate?”

ALSO SEE: “Google CEO’s new paradigm: ‘cloud computing and advertising go hand-in-hand’” AND "Google CEO Eric Schmidt: ‘all world’s information includes personal information’”

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