
Google Checkout: Cyber Monday impacts U.S. workers

Google Checkout continues to gear up for the most important time of year for U.S.
Written by Donna Bogatin, Contributor

Google Checkout continues to gear up for the most important time of year for U.S. retail, the end of year holiday shopping; I announced yesterday "Google’s Thanksgiving gift: $10 (hurry!)"

Google Checkout has big things "in store" for the fabled "Cyber Monday" as well:

Google Checkout will also be offering users a variety of promotions for their holiday shopping. Through Tuesday, December 26, users will receive $10 off purchases of $30 or more, or $20 off purchases of $50 or more, depending on the merchant.

As with all players in the U.S. retail economy, Google Checkout is banking big on this holiday buying season bonanza.

Google may have more at stake than other players; Google Checkout has yet to meet the high expectations that accompanied its launch last June, as I put forth in "Google Checkout desperate"?

Google commissioned a Harris Interactive survey of close to 2600 U.S. adults about their holiday shopping plans:

40% of employed U.S. adults say they'll be doing at least some of their online holiday shopping from work this year, with 1 in 4 of those shoppers logging on to track down that perfect gift on Monday, November 27 (57% plan to shop during coffee and lunch breaks, while 34% will wait until the end of the workday).

TAKE THE POLL: Will you be using Google Checkout for your holiday shopping?

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