
Google Chrome has Microsoft's code inside, says MS manager

And furthermore, he says, that's a good thing.A great post over at Scott Hanselman's blog goes into some detail of the Microsoft code Google has included in Chrome.
Written by Rupert Goodwins, Contributor

And furthermore, he says, that's a good thing.

A great post over at Scott Hanselman's blog goes into some detail of the Microsoft code Google has included in Chrome. It's all street-legal: the code was made available under a very permissive open source licence back in 2004, and may be the first of Microsoft's steps in that direction.

Hanselman is a senior program manager at MS, and clearly enthusiastic about the whole business. He also writes a mean blog - if you've got any curiosity about some of the gnarly bits inside Chrome, including how it works securely with multiple versions of Windows, then give this the once-over.

Even more interesting than Chrome's internals is this statement:

"One of the reasons I wanted to work for ScottGu was because of Microsoft's always improving attitude about releasing source. It's a big company and sometimes moves slow, but more people "get it" now than before."

I do so hope this is true. Can't happen quickly enough.

Check out our Chrome round-up for the latest in matters Chromatic.

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