
Google experimenting with ads between messages in Gmail

A user in the Blogoscoped forums reports that in his email, he's now seeing ads between messages -- a more in your face approach to ads in Gmail.This promotion for a flight France-Iceland appeared just above an email confirming my booking of a France-UK train ticket (Eurostar).
Written by Garett Rogers, Inactive

A user in the Blogoscoped forums reports that in his email, he's now seeing ads between messages -- a more in your face approach to ads in Gmail.

This promotion for a flight France-Iceland appeared just above an email confirming my booking of a France-UK train ticket (Eurostar). Contrary to the classic side ads, I did take a look at this discreet and smart ad.

I guess I won't skip those new ads any time soon, since they're directly inserted in my thread. I hope Gmail will never try to include banners here!

[image from Google Blogoscoped]

They look just like the ones that appear at the top of your inbox -- but instead, between messages and likely cannot be disabled.

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