
Google imposes additional early termination fee on Nexus One

While it may seem cheaper to get the Google Nexus One smartphone tied to a T-Mobile contract, if you're considering jumping ship early, it will cost you dearly.
Written by Rachel King, Contributor

While it may seem cheaper to get the Google Nexus One smartphone tied to a T-Mobile contract, if you're considering jumping ship early, it will cost you dearly.

The unlocked version of the Nexus One will cost a flat $529. That's quite a lot for a handheld these days, especially considering that with a two-year T-Mobile service contract, you'd only be shelling out $179.

But what really is the price of smartphone freedom? Maybe $350? That's what Google is planning to charge as an "equipment recovery fee" for anyone who wants out before the first 120 days are up, probably to make up for whatever T-Mobile is subsidizing for the phones and then some.

And that's on top of what T-Mobile is planning to charge for an early termination fee (supposedly $200).

So some advice for those who are not totally in love with the idea of committing to T-Mobile for the next two years but want their grubby hands on a Nexus One: go with the unlocked phone.

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