
Google makes small change in search box size

You may not notice any difference, but at least you'll have some useless facts to tell your friends over dinner when conversation starts to drag. Google's home page has changed slightly.
Written by Jennifer Bergen, Contributor

You may not notice any difference, but at least you'll have some useless facts to tell your friends over dinner when conversation starts to drag. Google's home page has changed slightly. Google increased the size of the search box as well as the font sizes.

According to LifeHacker, the dimensions of the Google home page were set before the days of high-resolution, wide-screen monitors. Therefore, it's time to bump it up.

Here's more from the Google Blog:

For us, search has always been our focus. And, starting today, you'll notice on our homepage and on our search results pages, our search box is growing in size. Although this is a very simple idea and an even simpler change, we're excited about it — because it symbolizes our focus on search and because it makes our clean, minimalist homepage even easier and more fun to use. The new, larger Google search box features larger text when you type so you can see your query more clearly. It also uses a larger text size for the suggestions below the search box, making it easier to select one of the possible refinements. Over the past 11 years, we've made a number of changes to our homepage. Some are small and some are large. In this case, it's a small change that makes search more prominent.

Google has always been first and foremost about search, and we're committed to building and powering the best search on the web — now available through a supersized search box.

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