
Google pulls trigger on Buzz update based on early suggestions, concerns

Just days after Google unveils Google Buzz, the company responds to complaints and suggestions by rolling out some fixes and improvements right away.
Written by Sam Diaz, Inactive

I have to admit that, after the blazing buzzache I had other day with Google Buzz, I stepped away from the madness for a couple of days. The noise was so loud and the experience was so confusing right out of the gate - and the controls that I needed to adjust that noise were either missing or hidden.

Apparently, Google heard it, too. The company said in a blog post that it is rolling out some fixes and some improvements right away.

We designed Buzz to make it easy to connect with others and have conversations about things that interest you, and it's great to see millions of you doing this already. It's still early, and we have a long list of improvements on the way. We look forward to hearing more suggestions and will continue to improve the Buzz experience with user transparency and control top of mind.

Among the changes noted by Jackson:

  • More visible option to not show followers/people you follow on your public profile
  • Ability to block anyone who starts following you
  • More clarity on which of your followers/people you follow can appear on your public profile

The company also noted in its first two days, tens of millions of people checked out Buzz, creating over 9 million posts and comments. In addition, there are about 200 posts per minute coming from mobile phones around the world.

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