
Google ready to launch new Android Market

The Android Market, Google's take on Apple's App Store, hasn't been as successful as they had hoped. There are lots of free and paid apps in the market, but according to studies, Android users aren't jumping to purchase those apps that cost money.
Written by Garett Rogers, Inactive

The Android Market, Google's take on Apple's App Store, hasn't been as successful as they had hoped. There are lots of free and paid apps in the market, but according to studies, Android users aren't jumping to purchase those apps that cost money.

Google is about to release the latest version of their Android Market, which looks a whole lot nicer -- and apparently supports screenshots to help developers promote their apps. Now if only Google would allow Canadians to buy paid apps!

The "app store" model works well for Apple, but Google has yet to see similar success. Developers making iPhone apps have been cashing in because users are willing to spend more money on iPhone apps for some reason. Perhaps it's that Apple, from the beginning, has been encouraging their developers to charge money for their apps. Or, maybe it's the method of distribution -- through iTunes.

What do you think about the Android Market vs. Apple's App Store?

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