
Google says spam still running rampant, really?

Google's Postini, their email filtering service, has been collecting information over the years about spam levels. This is a huge problem that Google does a really good job of addressing -- in fact, I could have sworn spam levels were becoming dangerously low.
Written by Garett Rogers, Inactive

Google's Postini, their email filtering service, has been collecting information over the years about spam levels. This is a huge problem that Google does a really good job of addressing -- in fact, I could have sworn spam levels were becoming dangerously low.

I honestly don't get spam anymore -- and I'm confident posting my email address here (gootch2@gmail.com) isn't going to result in more than a bunch of interesting email from people like you.

That's not reality for Google though -- they are seeing a consistent level of spam being caught by their service, regardless of what happens in spam circles. Even after several malicious ISPs and botnets were effectively taken down, spammers had no problem finding a way to distribute email. This tells Google that the problem is more widespread than originally thought.

If you are interested in this type of thing, there is more information about Google's findings on their official enterprise blog. What are your spam levels like?

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