
Google targets Microsoft

I enjoyed breakfast at the spanking new Google NYC headquarters, along with a rare inside look at the Internet search behemoth's enterprise search strategy, as I report and anlayze in 'Google Enterprise strategy: 'Death to the hierarchy''
Written by Donna Bogatin, Contributor
I enjoyed breakfast at the spanking new Google NYC headquarters last week, along with a rare inside look at the Internet search behemoth's agressive enterprise strategy, as I report and analyze in "Google Enterprise strategy: ‘Death to the hierarchy’."

I heard Google make its enterprise case; It is an anti-Microsoft case, big time, as I underscore in "Google to Microsoft Office: Search box trumps folders":

Google CEO Eric Schmidt may publicly claim Google Apps are not designed as a “replacement for (Microsoft) Office,” but in the go-to-market trenches, Google Enterprise is calling for nothing less than “Death to the (Microsoft) hierarchy!”

Schmidt attempts to deflate "Google vs. Microsoft," "The focus we have is not the focus they have," while at the same time setting Google up to displace Microsoft:

The argument goes like this: For many people, it would be just as easy to have the computer in the cloud store the information that you use everyday. Furthermore, if you have that model, it should enable very rapid sharing so we embarked on a strategy more than a year ago to build applications that are focused on sharing and collaboration. The sum of that is a different way of managing information and we don't position it as an office suite. We position it as something you'd use everyday in everyday life…

Google is positioning to "deliver Google innovation to the enterprise" everyday, as I present and discuss in "Google Enterprise goes to market."

The Google Enterprise Solutions product portfolio strategy dovetails with the Google Internet search success story:

Why is it that you can get the “number of steps in the Statue of Liberty” in under a second, and yet, you have to waste so much time finding that old presentation in your intranet, file share or some other place? We believe your information should be just as easy to find as the stock quotes, weather, movie show times, package tracking and other general information you’re already used to easily finding on Google.com…

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