
Google testing Timeline view in main results

One of Google's "experiments" is apparently being tested out in the main Google search results -- Timeline View. This unique view shows search results over time -- making it great for searching for things that can be visualized over time.
Written by Garett Rogers, Inactive

One of Google's "experiments" is apparently being tested out in the main Google search results -- Timeline View. This unique view shows search results over time -- making it great for searching for things that can be visualized over time.


This is the first time anything found in Google Experimental has made its way out into the wild, and of any, it's probably the one that is most useful. The trick for Google is to be able to determine when a timeline view makes sense, and when it doesn't.

Are you able to see this new view when you do searches like "Thomas Jefferson" or "Albert Einstein"? If so, what do you think of it?

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