
Google to launch new stuff Tuesday

Google announced today that they will be holding a press event called "Searchology" Tuesday. This marks the one-year anniversary of the last event, in which they lauched universal search.
Written by Garett Rogers, Inactive

Google announced today that they will be holding a press event called "Searchology" Tuesday. This marks the one-year anniversary of the last event, in which they lauched universal search.

If you are looking to watch the event as it unfolds, you can check out the webcast at this URL Tuesday at 10:00AM PDT:

Searchology Webcast

Google isn't giving much information about what will be discussed, so it should be interesting to see what comes out of this event. The meeting is scheduled to take an hour and a half -- plenty of time for some interesting stuff to be launched.

Google to offer an insider’s perspective on Search including recent search innovations. Speakers will include VP of Search Engineering, Udi Manber, and VP of Search Products and User Experience, Marissa Mayer.

What do you think it will be?

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