
Google wouldn't have run their ad if it wasn't for statistics

Google is run by scientists, definitely not by marketers. In fact, even Larry Page is so anti-marketing that one year he only gave marketers within the company a total of 8 hours for meetings, press conferences, speeches or interviews according to one unnamed executive in a pretty good book called "Googled.
Written by Garett Rogers, Inactive

Google is run by scientists, definitely not by marketers. In fact, even Larry Page is so anti-marketing that one year he only gave marketers within the company a total of 8 hours for meetings, press conferences, speeches or interviews according to one unnamed executive in a pretty good book called "Googled. The End of the World as We Know It."

"Google is run by three computer scientists. We're going to make all the mistakes computer scientists running a company would make. But one of the mistakes we're not going to make is the mistake non-scientists make. We're going to make mistakes based on facts and data and analysis." -- Eric Schmidt

Even Eric's blog post about the ad on the Super Bowl kind of suggests the same thing -- this decision was based on facts gathered throughout the months it was already available on YouTube. If there was any doubt this ad would be taken in anything but a positive light, it would not have aired.

In fact you might have watched it before, because it's been on YouTube for over three months. We didn't set out to do a Super Bowl ad, or even a TV ad for search. Our goal was simply to create a series of short online videos about our products and our users, and how they interact. But we liked this video so much, and it's had such a positive reaction on YouTube, that we decided to share it with a wider audience. -- Eric Schmidt on Official Google Blog

You can watch their commercial on YouTube called Parisian Love.

What do you think of their commercial? Does it make sense for the audience watching Super Bowl?

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