
Goowy Media launches yourminis

Congrats to Alex and the team at Goowy Media on immediately being named Adobe Site of the Day after launching their yourminis Flash widget site this morning. I've only have a brief amount of to play around with yourminis but there's some powerful fun to be had constructing a Dashboard-style page that is available on any computer you're using.
Written by Marc Orchant, Contributor
Congrats to Alex and the team at Goowy Media on immediately being named Adobe Site of the Day after launching their yourminis Flash widget site this morning. I've only have a brief amount of to play around with yourminis but there's some powerful fun to be had constructing a Dashboard-style page that is available on any computer you're using. For example, as you add and arrange widgets to the page, a snap-to-grid appears to help you get everything nicely aligned, then disappears  when you drop the widget where you want it placed. Like Goowy itself, the fit and finish of the user interface is top-notch. Alex tells me that there will be a desktop version available soon.
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