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Obviously, Marc Wagner and I bring very different perspectives to this blog. His focus is higher education in a well-established, Windows-centric IT department at a major research university.
Written by Christopher Dawson, Contributor

Obviously, Marc Wagner and I bring very different perspectives to this blog. His focus is higher education in a well-established, Windows-centric IT department at a major research university. I, on the other hand, am more of an in-the-trenches, K-12 sort of guy. I have a lot more room to experiment, usually in an attempt to save money, since funding remains a major problem for those of us in K-12.

Now, however, ZDNet is making it possible for even more perspectives to represented on some of our blogs (ZDNet Education included). I'm taking a couple day break from blogging to cook ridiculous amounts of food and survive the invasion of the in-laws. If any of you need to escape, though, and lock yourselves in a room with some leftovers and a laptop, feel free to submit a blog. I'll be checking on submissions and will post high quality material whenever it comes in.

Larry Dignan explained the whole process much better than I can, so click here for details on just how to go about doing this. In particular, I'm interested in how-to's, success stories, problems to watch out for, and just about anything else ed tech-related that would be of use to the readers of this column. I look forward to your submissions. Have a great Turkey Day, and happy blogging!

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