
Green technology design: Easier said than done?

Was just sorting through one of several Forrester Research studies about sustainable business considerations, and this one sort of struck me: According to the research firm's latest survey of 17 tech companies and 72 other consumer product specialists (an admittedly modest basis), roughly 58 percent currently sell sort of “environmentally conscious” or “socially responsible” product.Which, if you do the math, means that more than 40 percent DO NOT do so today.
Written by Heather Clancy, Contributor

Was just sorting through one of several Forrester Research studies about sustainable business considerations, and this one sort of struck me: According to the research firm's latest survey of 17 tech companies and 72 other consumer product specialists (an admittedly modest basis), roughly 58 percent currently sell sort of “environmentally conscious” or “socially responsible” product.

Which, if you do the math, means that more than 40 percent DO NOT do so today.

Here’s how Forrester defines the "environmental and social responsibility" concept, by the way:

A product or set of products that incorporates (or removes) features, characteristics or services that have a positive (or negative) impact on the environment or the community. Examples include energy-efficient or recyclable products, goods made with fair-trade or renewable materials, and products that in some way help give back to the community.

I was sort of mind-boggled by the simple fact that a company wouldn’t be thinking about these concepts, and dug into the chart looking at the intentions of that large minority that hasn’t yet gotten with the program.

The good news is that 26 percent ARE trying to develop a product that takes the environment into account, although it will be at least six months to 18 months before they get them to market. Approximately 10 percent have decided, for whatever reason, NOT to focus on this design point, while another 6 percent of the respondents didn’t know what their company’s strategy was in this area.

Here’s a chart that discusses WHY product strategists are embracing the concept of sustainability.

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For more Forrester analysis of this topic, you can visit a recent blog entry by analyst Sally Cohen at this link.

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