
Half of SMEs expect security breaches this year

Viruses, hackers, systems failure - which will trip you up?
Written by Steve Ranger, Global News Director

Viruses, hackers, systems failure - which will trip you up?

Half of small and medium-sized businesses expect an IT security breach in the next year.

And one in five admits to already having suffered a security infringement, according to the research published by government small business website businesslink.gov.uk.

The research found that more than a fifth of companies are not very confident in their understanding of IT security: 17 per cent don't have an IT security policy in place.

Small businesses see viruses as the main risk, followed by systems failure and inappropriate usage. Unauthorised access to business systems was also identified as a threat by 20 per cent of respondents.

To help small businesses improve their IT security, the website has produced an IT risk-assessment tool which can generate a breakdown of the risks to their business and offer practical advice.

Its programme and strategy director, Mark Holden, said online security has never been so important.

But some small businesses are on the ball: a third review their IT security policy every six months and more than half have plans in place to respond to a security breach.

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