
Happy New Year

What ho!Back at my desk after the Festivus break, and already 2009 is looking good.
Written by Rupert Goodwins, Contributor

What ho!

Back at my desk after the Festivus break, and already 2009 is looking good. If by good, one means interesting, eventful, controversial, full of change and surprise - and as we're a bunch of journalists here, that works for us.

We're already getting stuck into Windows 7, mobile tech, clouds, cost-cutting, open source, IP, security and the rest of the ideas that are going to be more important this year than last - and the big question that'll be the most fun to watch: will a good strong blast of cold air instil more wisdom, foresight and customer awareness into the industry than years of unmitigated boom managed?

Let's find out together.

And now, back to Outlook and my 3000 outstanding emails - a good half of which appear to be the Exchange server telling me off for having too many emails. "Too much information" may be a valid error message in a human relationship - I don't think it should apply to office IT.


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