
Hara offers environmental monitoring application in online format

Can't find the money to invest in an on-premise enterprise application for managing your company's carbon portfolio?Hara, a start-up funded by veneral venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, has introduced its first product, Hara Environmental and Energy Management.
Written by Heather Clancy, Contributor

Can't find the money to invest in an on-premise enterprise application for managing your company's carbon portfolio?

Hara, a start-up funded by veneral venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, has introduced its first product, Hara Environmental and Energy Management. The application is focused on the environmental management needs of larger enterprises, and it provides four different phases of support:

  • Discover - Gathering up data from all the different sources that matter within your company (stuff like greenhouse gas emissions and so on)
  • Plan - Defining the action strategy that is relevant to the individual company
  • Action - Managing the specific objectives your organization sets
  • Innovate - Looking at ways that your team can continue improving its environmental and energy policies. Who knows, maybe you can even generate new revenue from what you're doing.

The application is offered as a subscription and the company counts about a dozen customers since it went live quietly in January, including The Coca-Cola Co. and the City of Palo Alto.

So far, Hara has had some good press, which is something I look at when I try to figure out which of the dozens of e-mails I should highlight. Here's a comprehensive first-take note from AMR Research. The company is run by people with some pretty impressive enterprise software backgrounds, including Oracle, SAP and Tibco. Another interesting note, given that Hara's application is hosted as a service, look for it to aggregate relevant data metrics across its user base into content that can be used by all its customers.

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