
Here's an idea: SkypeMe icons in Craig's List ads

 Let me put this one out there. I even designed a GUI for ya, Craig's.
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

Let me put this one out there. I even designed a GUI for ya, Craig's.

Craig's List is full of ads that list phone numbers for interested parties to call. In fact, if you were to click on any of the links for the Vacation Rentals section of the San Francisco Craig's List, you'd see phone numbers within most listings.

Craig's List is the seventh most widely trafficked site on the Web. It's kickin' dead-tree classifieds into near oblivion.

Craig's List is 25%-owned by eBay.

Internet telephony services provider Skype is 100% owned by eBay.

All of this begs the question: wouldn't click-to-call, SkypeMe icons in Craig's List ads be a helpful feature that would benefit Skype, eBay, Craig's List, and the individual listers themselves?

That way, I could call and ask, "so what is all this about "Heavenly Gondola"?

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