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Hewlett Packard Wi-Fi Mobile Mouse

Hewlett Packard isn't best known for its computer accessories, although the company does have a range on offer, including mice. The latest addition to HP's rodent range is a Wi-Fi mouse.
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Hewlett Packard isn't best known for its computer accessories, although the company does have a range on offer, including mice. The latest addition to HP's rodent range is a Wi-Fi mouse.

We've not come across this particular type of wireless in a mouse before, and indeed HP says it's the first time Wi-Fi has been used in this way.

Wi-Fi has a couple of key advantages over other wireless connectivity systems. First, if you're a laptop user, you won't need to fill a USB port with a receiver. HP also says the batteries in the mouse last longer with Wi-Fi. You'll get more than nine months from the two AAs that power this mouse — twice as long as you'd get from a Bluetooth mouse.

Setup is straightforward. First you install some provided software, which then walks you through the process of linking the mouse to your computer. This involves switching the mouse on by flicking a button on its underside, at which point a white light embedded in the scroll wheel blinks. Then the mouse and computer connect. There's a dedicated button on the underside of the mouse for making subsequent connections.

The mouse itself is unremarkable. The design is symmetrical so it should suit both left- and right-handed people. We found it comfortable to use, if a little small. There are five buttons you can customise using the provided software.

We found the HP Wi-Fi mobile mouse sensitive and responsive, and it worked perfectly well in everyday use. However, considering it's ideal for notebook users who want to keep their USB ports free from clutter, we're disappointed it doesn't come with a protective pouch.

The HP Wi-Fi mobile mouse costs £39.99.

Sandra Vogel

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