
How green is your DSL? Alcatel-Lucent sez theirs is brightest green

Green publication Environmental Leader is reporting that Alcatel-Lucent has introduced a high-capacity digital subscriber line (DSL) platform that uses up to 25 percent less power than conventional platforms. The vendor has achieved this power-savings by combining its latest DSL and DSLAM (DSL Active Multiplexer) technology with its Intelligent Services Access Manager.
Written by Heather Clancy, Contributor

Green publication Environmental Leader is reporting that Alcatel-Lucent has introduced a high-capacity digital subscriber line (DSL) platform that uses up to 25 percent less power than conventional platforms. The vendor has achieved this power-savings by combining its latest DSL and DSLAM (DSL Active Multiplexer) technology with its Intelligent Services Access Manager. Here's the complete story, which suggests the claim might be a little overblown. It can only be achieved if a service provider using the platform chooses to switch on the L2 Power Mode.

Regardless, the story sheds more light on the fact that while we all knock each other out over power consumption at the data center level, the focus still remains larger on application servers and not networking/connectivity gear. I'm betting you'll start hearing more about this issue, especially with companies like Cisco reaching out beyond their traditional markets into broader connectivity plays.

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