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How to pipe the output of one command to another in Linux

If you're new to Linux, you're probably hesitant to use the command line. When you finally realize the power of the CLI, you'll discover it has a lot of cool tricks up its sleeve -- including this one.
Written by Jack Wallen, Contributing Writer
person working on laptop
Getty Images/Zorica Nastasic

Even though I could spend the rest of my days with Linux and never touch the command line, I still opt to work with the terminal because it's not only efficient, but it has a lot of really handy tricks I can use. One such trick is called "piping."

Effectively, piping is taking the output of the first command and using it in the next command. And you can do this with as much piping as you like. You can pipe the output of Command A to Command B, and then pipe the output of Command B to Command C, and then pipe the output of Command C to Command D…etc.

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Piping sends data from one command to be used by the next in sequence -- and it continues doing so until you've run the final command, with the data always flowing from right to left. That's an important piece of information, and the flow of data piping is always in one way. 

How to use piping in Linux

What you'll need: Piping in the Linux command line works on every Linux distribution, which means all you need is a running instance of any Linux distribution. 

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The syntax of a piped command looks like this:

Command 1 | Command 2 | Command 3

The | character indicates the piping, and bash reads it as such.

Let's first talk about the commands we'll pipe together.

1. Create a new file

Before we actually get to the piping, I'll first demonstrate the creation of a new file that contains a list of colors. Create the file with the command:

nano colors.txt

In that file, paste the following:


Save and close the file.

2. Use the sort command

We're going to use the sort command to list the content in the colors.text file in alphabetical order. 

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We can do that with the command:

sort colors.text

The output should look like this:


Instead of running these commands separately, we can use a combination of && and | to do this on one line. I've already discussed how to combine Linux commands for a more efficient experience using the && characters. We'll make use of that technique with our piping command.

3. Creating and adding content to the new file with a single command

First, we're going to create our colors.txt file and add the content with two commands that will be joined together with &&, like so:

touch colors.txt && echo -e "Orange\nYellow\nRed\nBlue\nGreen\nPurple\nBlack\nPink" >> colors

What you see above uses the -e option to inform the echo command to interpret escape sequences. In this case, the \n escape sequence creates a new line after each color. 

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Before that, we use the touch command to create the new file. So, the file is created and then content is added, one line at a time.

4. Pipe it all together

Before we do anything, make sure to delete the current colors.txt file with the command rm colors.txt

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What we'll do now is add our first two commands and then use the cat and sort commands via piping. Cat reads content of a file to the terminal, and sort will sort the output. All together, this command will look like this:

touch colors.txt && echo -e "Orange\nYellow\nRed\nBlue\nGreen\nPurple\nBlack\nPink" >> colors.txt && cat colors.txt | sort

The output of the above command should look like this:


One thing to keep in mind here is the only piping done in the above command is cat colors.txt | sort. The output of the cat colors.txt command is sent to the sort command, which displays the results. 

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And that's how piping works with the Linux command line. This is a very handy trick you can use to make working with the command line even more efficient.

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