
How well does your company navigate data privacy?

Take this quick, multiple choice survey and tell us about how your company manages its data privacy.
Written by Melanie Wachsman, Editor
Golden Padlock on Keyboard Cyber Security Concept
Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto

From the music we listen to and videos we watch to the social media we comment on and the devices we wear--companies are collecting more data about us than ever before. 

While data gathering continues to grow, so does the public unrest toward data collection and data use. 

SEE: Cheat sheet: Data management (free PDF) (TechRepublic)

Companies are now tasked with finding ways to balance their data needs, and the growing demand from the public for data privacy. How can they accomplish this? ZDNet's sister site TechRepublic Premium is doing a survey to find out. 

If you're familiar with your company's data privacy plans we want to hear from you. Which department is responsible for data privacy within your organization? Who is the privacy leader within your organization? What are barriers to data privacy within your organization? Is your organization currently meeting all the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements or California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) requirements? Tell us!

Take the Navigating data privacy survey and let us know.

You'll be asked eight or fewer survey questions, plus a couple of demographic questions. Data from this survey will be used in an upcoming TechRepublic Premium report. 

Visit the TechRepublic Premium Navigating data privacy survey.

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