
HP boosts Unix security

Two new tools released
Written by Stephen Shankland, Contributor

Two new tools released

Hewlett-Packard said on Monday that it has improved the security of its HP-UX 11i version of Unix, releasing two tools to simplify the setting of a computer's security levels and obtaining an international security certification. HP released version 2 of its Bastille software, which sets a computer's security to the appropriate level based on a series of questions for the system administrator. In addition, HP introduced the new Install-Time Security tool, which lets an administrator select from a number of preset security levels when first setting up the machine. The security software may be downloaded for free from HP's website. Security has been important for networked computers for years, especially those powering military systems, but the concern has been widening after recent terrorist attacks, the war on Iraq and the ever-increasing reliance businesses have on the Internet. As a result, computing companies are working to stamp out security vulnerabilities in their products, acquire security start-ups and in the case of HP, reduce the administrative headaches of securing a computer. In addition, HP-UX 11i has received the EAL4-CAPP (evaluation assurance level 4 of the controlled access protection profile) Common Criteria certification, an international security standard, HP said. This certification level, while not the highest, is the same as that held by Sun Microsystems' Solaris 8, a competing version of Unix. Oracle is working with Red Hat to obtain the Common Criteria certification for Linux. Stephen Shankland writes for News.com
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