
HTC HD2 won't be upgraded to Windows Phone 7 series

Bad news, friends: it has been confirmed that the HTC HD2 smartphone will not be making the upgrade to the Windows Phone 7 series when it finally debuts at the end of this year.
Written by Rachel King, Contributor

Bad news, friends: it has been confirmed that the HTC HD2 smartphone will not be making the upgrade to the Windows Phone 7 series when it finally debuts at the end of this year.

According to Engadget, the HD2 is not "compliant with the Windows Phone 7 Series hardware specifications." Too bad since the WP7 interface would probably look pretty good on that 4.3-inch multi-touch display.

The HTC HD2 will be released by T-Mobile by the end of the month. Because it will be released soon, the HD2 will probably do fairly well - until the WP7 series rolls out, and then its questionable how well the HD2 will do up against the rest of the WP7 devices.

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