
I secretly always wanted to see capitalism collapse . . .

. . . but I thought it would be gradual, that it wouldn't happen so quickly.
Written by Tom Foremski, Contributor

. . . but I thought it would be gradual, that it wouldn't happen so quickly.

I'm usually a glass half-full type of person but I'm not these days. I recently pointed out in a twit on twitter that seven out of ten of the largest jumps in the DOW index all occurred just before the Great Depression. (So don't get excited about a half percent interest cut, or any other daily interpretation.) Dead cats bounce if they fall high enough, and this is a time to look at historical data.

When I pointed out that most big jumps in the DOW happened just before the Great Depression, this was one of the replies I got:

dude, i hope you never look to become a motivational speaker. ;)

I could blow smoke . . . but you'd have to be pretending to be tying a shoelace.

These are interesting times.

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